It is compulsory for a designation job to have some sort of personal traits that makes him/her honorable to that post so that he can attempt his/her duty sincerely. This is one of the qualities of a Halal Audit Officer.
An officer carrying out the job of audit halal must some of the following qualities in his personality which includes being ethical this means that the person should be fair, honest, truthful, discreet, and sincere. The person must be open minded and have the will to take various points of view and ideas to take decisions.

He must be a diplomatic person who could interact with people without much hesitation. Have a good observance so that he may be aware of his surroundings that what events are taking place around him and what is he up to. His mindset should have a perspective approach so that he might be able to get awareness of the situations so that he could understand them better. He has to be smart and proactive.
Must possess a tenacious personality to easily bend into the situation and get comfortable with the provided necessities. The most important quality that such officer might possess is that he must be decisive and have the time to reach conclusions on time that are based on logical analysis and reasoning.